Thursday, May 13, 2010


Main Task - Front Cover

Main Task - Contents

Main Task - Double Page Spread

Prilimiary Task

Front Cover

Prilimary Task - Contents

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

1)In what ways does your media prodcut use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media?

My media product uses and challenges forms of reals media. I have have annotated my work and professional work below to compare and contrast them. My product follows certain aspects of real media such as coverlines and prices. Also I have kept to a minimalistic colour scheme to use the conventions of real media. I chose my colour scheme and cover lines by conducting audience research in the form of a questionnaire.

As you can see above I have used a slogan at the top of my magazine because this follows codes and conventions of real media as shown below in the annotated real magazine 'Q'.

I have used a slogan at the top of my magazine because this follows codes and conventions of real media as shown below in the annotated real magazine.

My colour scheme contains only a few colours because this follows the codes and conventions of a indie music magazine.

My masthead follows forms and conventions of real media because it is horizontal and in capital letters which most magazine titles are.It is also big and bold to attract the readers eye.

The price of my music magazine is an average price of indie music magazine. I decided my price from my audience research.

I used a puff to draw the readers attention to the magazine. Other magazine of my genre also do this.

I have used one large main image which deviates from the conventions of real media,because it generally uses one main image and other smaller images on the front cover. However i think that my fron cover still appeals to the target audience.

Also over this image is anchoring text so the meaning of my image is clear.My image is a media close up. The solo artist is looking straight at the camera so she connects with the audience and engages them.The body language of solo artist also reflects the vibe of the Indie teens. She is somebody who my audience will recognise therefore she will attract my readers.

Each of the coverlines are related to the indie genre similar to other indie magazines.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product represents the social group of “indie teens”, aged from 13-25.

It represents them because it includes music, articles and images that represents there lifestyle and things that they would be interested in also it includes artists and articles they would want to be included in it.

I tried to make my work unique and different to other magazines so it would attract my target audience, who are unique also.

The colour scheme also represents my particular social group because it is not all ‘pink and girly’ like a pop magazine but it also isn’t all ‘black and dark’ like a heavy metal magazine.

In my research the colour purple was the most liked colour by my target audience so I believe that is represents them well.

Also the ‘grungy’ looking images I have used connate the life style of an ‘indie teen’.

The my title ‘INDIEGO’ has huge connotations of the genre of Indie music because its is a play on words of both the colour indigo and the word Indie ,which relates back to my colour scheme of different shades of purple and Indigo.

Monday, March 29, 2010

3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product?

The media institution that would distribute my magazine would be one that would be interested in producing a magazine of music with the target audience of teenagers. Publishers such as IPC, EMAP or BAUER, would publish my magazine, these are three of the UK’s biggest magazine publishers.
BAUER owns Q magazine which has a slightly similar target audience. And the music magazine ‘Kerrang’ whose audience is still teens but not interested in the same type of music has my target audience, ‘Kerrang’ is more of a ‘heavy rock’ magazine.
IPC publish ‘NME’ and ‘Uncut’ magazine which are similar to my magazine because they are music magazines. So they would publish my magazine ‘INDIEGO’ because it follows the same codes and conventions of ‘NME’ very closely. However it has a slightly different target audience so they would be interested in getting more money from my magazine.

Spot the magazine

Here are the links to some magazine distributors

Sunday, March 28, 2010

4) Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my magazine would be 13-25 year girls and boys all across the UK. These teenagers would be interested in ‘indie’ music and the ‘indie’ culture. I have done target audience to see what time of thing they would be interested in and included this in my magazine. They would be interested ‘Indie’ music and go to gigs and festivals. They would also be interested in the fashion and life style.

Below is a link to a youtube clip of Glastonbury Festival, the teenagers shown in this clip would be the sort of person who would by magazine. Also this clip represents the lifestyle of 'indie teens' well.

5) How did you a4ttract/ address your audience?

To begin with I created a questionnaire asking questions that would help me create my magazine to attract my target audience. Here are some of the questions I asked my target audience:

1.What is your favourite band?
3. What is your favourite colour?
4. How often do you buy a music magazine?
5. How much would you pay for a music magazine?
7. What special feature would make you buy a magazine?

The conclusions I made of this questionnaire really helped me attract my audience because I now know what they want and thing they would like to read about and colours that they are attracted to. I attracted my audience to the front cover of my magazine with an eye-catching image, in which the artist had direct mode of address with the audience to get their attention. In addition the pose she in is a very striking pose. The colour scheme would also grab for my front cover and contents page also attract my target audience because it is very bright and draw the target audience’s eye towards it. My cover lines include content that would interest my target audience things such as; ‘EXCLSUIVE’, ‘have to before you die’, ‘PLUS’ and ‘FREE’. These all attract the audience because it makes them feel like they are getting something they would get anywhere else. From my target audience research I concluded that my audience would be willing to pay £4.00 for this monthly magazine My double page spread colour scheme is also eye catching and it includes content that would interest both music lovers and musicians.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

To produce my front cover for my main task I had to use a piece of software called Photoshop. I have used this software in the past so helped me generally know what do to. But over the course of creating my word I learnt skill I hadn’t learnt before, for example, how to change the colour of persons facial features, for example I change the colour of my models lips and eyes. And how to make text stand out by using a number of effects and I learnt how to put small stars on to make words look special and exclusive. I have also learnt that you can produce all your work in one place which is called desktop publishing, with its still looking creative and professional.

7) Here is my comparison of my main and prilimary task.