Finally we used Quark Xpress to create our contents page.
I had to make it in to columns, and fit all my photographs and texts so they looked okay,and get a background colour and title colour that both stood out and went with my colour scheme.
Here is my contents:
My media product uses develops and challenges forms and conventions of real media in many ways. In my front cover I have used one main image in the model is using a direct mode of address which makes my work unique. Also I included a bar code which uses the conventions of real media. The price is placed in a puff to draw attention to the bargain that they are getting which uses real media because real magazine all draw attention to any free gifts or bargains the reader may be getting to get more sales. The date is also included in this to stick to the conventions of real media. There is also writing on the model face so that you can see the image clearly. The colour scheme is also minimalistic which sticks to the conventions of real media. I have also used cover lines that would make my target audience more inclined to buy the magazine. The other things I have I have done to stick to real media are the issue number, tag lines and familiar faces, because of all these things would makes my sale ratings higher.
My content is laid out in two columns and has the numbers of the pages next to each topic to make it’s easier to the eye which uses the conventions of real media. I have also written an editors letter so that the readers are up to date with what’s going on in the magazine. I have used seized 12 font so that I can fit all of article on the page and so that it is still easy to read. Also at the top of my content I have used my magazine title so that they are reminded of the magazine they are reading again. I have used regular content, on the cover and feature articles which uses the conventions of real media because it makes it easier for readers to find the articles they want to read. I have not included subscription details in my contents because of the cheap price. Furthermore I have used a variety of pictures all of different sizes to make my contents more appealing to the eye this is typical of real media. And finally at the top of my magazine I have used the word ‘contents’ to make it clear what page they are on.
In the creation of my preliminary task I used both Photoshop and Quark Xpress. This was the first time I had ever used Quark Xpress so I learnt a lot and think that it will really help when it comes to creating my main task. In addition I learnt a lot more technical skills on Photoshop which I had used in my media GCSE however found the practice really helpful. I also used the Internet to upload on to my blog and do research. Furthermore I used Microsoft word and a camera to take images.
In conclusion I think the strengths and weaknesses of my works are that, I have used good content and layout, however I have missed some of obvious things out like a positioning statement, in doing this I have learnt what to do differently in my main task. I have also found it useful to learn more about the technologies I will be using and make any mistake now rather than later.
Friday, October 16, 2009

This is the image I'm going to use for my front cover, this is because is it bright and friendly and will attract people to my magazine.The mise-en-scene is a window out side of my school,with the school logo on it.
This is a image i may use for my contents page if i do a head teachers letter,it depends on if i have any space left.
This is a picture for my contents page,this is a picture of the editor ,this will go next to the editors letter.The mise-en-scene is a office.
This is a picture of somebody holding a award,this picture us to represent my article on the film festival awards evening.
This is my last picture for my contents page and it is of somebody happy holding results.
We had to come come up with a list of regular content that we would include.
Regular Content
Heads letter
NEW agony aunt
Editors letter
Interactive thoughts-Students getting their say through their own articles(Website)
Dates for your diary
Healthy eating
School issues/events
I then came up with a list of feature articles.
Feature Articles
Smile smile smile day
Best EVER results!
Black history month 2009
Film Festival Review
Halloween Costume Ideas
International language day
Welcome back letter for the year sevens
and Open evening review.
And finally i came up with the ideas for my images for my contents page.
Friends smiling
Somebody holding results
Somebody dressed up in a Halloween clothes
Picture of my front cover
Picture of editor
And a film festival picture.
Here is a rough sketch of my preliminary contents page :
Friday, October 2, 2009
To begin with we did a introduction to the course which was included looking at different codes and contentions of different types in media.
We looked specifically at situation comedy's.We then discussed the codes and conventions of a situation comedy.
Next we went on to watch and discuss Friends and Phoenix Nights and how it deviates and follows the codes and conventions,we did a essay on this.
Preliminary exercise
In our first lesson of magazines we discussed and learnt all the different codes and conventions of a media magazine.
We discussed positioning statements,colour scheme,puffs and many others similar things.
We then thought about the school magazine we were going to produce.
For example we thought of things for example a title,i called mine: WEATHERHEAD WEEKLY.
We discussed the mise-en-scene of our front cover image,my mise-en-scene was going the be the front of my school,a window with a logo of the school on it.
And finally we cover lines for our school magazine front cover:
- Paris Trip Photos
- Ofsted - The Report
- NEW Agony Aunt
- Welcome Year Sevens!
- Halloween Costume Ideas
- Teachers Gossip
- Hippy's On The Hill